The Internal Battle

I used to get SO mad at my inner critic!

Who did this judgy entitled voice in my head think they were?!

She was the meanest mean girl there ever was! Her name is Rita, short for Self – Righteous Rita.

I battled with this voice in my head for years, and continued to suffer more and more.

It wasn’t until I took a different approach, through the help of my inner child.

I realized Rita was a part of me that was trying to protect me, and I wondered if I could mend the relationship rather than trying to dominate her in some sort of futile internal battle.

The minute I decided to tune in with her, ask her what her game plan is, and began to level with her, as someone that’s a part of me, we began to act like we were on the same team.

She’s now much more of a cheerleader, but we had to go to retreat together, and I had to really put my pride aside and bring my open mind to get to know Rita and understand her.

Self Compassion gets us what we want, not Self Resistance.

Within all of us lies a gold mine of strength, compassion, and pure knowing.

Within all of us also lies a lifetime of suffering and pain we are in various phases of healing. Some of these wounds are undoubtedly completely unhealed, and we may not even know about them.

When these old unhealed wounds pop up is often the exact time we become critical of ourselves.

We may think:

“What is my problem?

Why can’t I just push through this experience?

I am too sensitive.

Why am I acting like a child all of a sudden?

Well, I guess I got exactly what I deserved.”

We also have free will.

We are free to change this self destructive way of thinking anytime.

I’m not saying it will be easy.

But it is most certainly possible.

We can choose a different path.

There are tools we can embrace to help us support ourselves, ESPECIALLY when times are tough, and old wounded parts of us are triggered and feeling vulnerable.

The way we speak to ourselves is a habit, and those can be turned around.

Sometimes, it may seem like we’re a victim to our thoughts, but the truth is we aren’t.

This takes work and repetition, awareness and intentionality, but ~

it is far from impossible to turn this habit around, and start loving on the one person you’ll definitely be with until the day you transition from this life.

There are many tools I have used to help me flip the script on my own Inner Critic.

Two of the main tools that helped me were: Journaling and EFT (Tapping)

Below is a sneak peak at how you can use these tools yourself.

I am offering a free workshop on both of these on Insight Timer this week!

Re-Parenting Your Inner Child – Monday, May 3rd, 10 AM MST

EFT (Tapping) to Re-Parent Your Inner Child – Wednesday, May 5th, 10 AM MST

I will be posting Free EFT Tutorials on Insight Timer soon, so you can access this miraculous tool with me guiding you through it.


Draw a vertical line from the top to the bottom, down the center of your journal page.

Tune into a time recently that your inner critic was making itself known. Where do you feel it in your body? Just notice.

Make a list of what your inner critic said, down the left hand column. Do this for 5 minutes.

Where do you feel it in your body? Write it down in the left hand column.

Take a look at what you’ve written in the left hand column.

Speak them out loud.

In the right hand column, write down what inner healer / inner best friend would say to those comments by your inner critic. – 5 minutes here.

Where do you feel this in your body? Write it down in the right hand column.

Pen Pals

Write a letter to your Inner Critic.

If you’ve already given them a name, address the letter to their name.

If you haven’t already named them, consider doing so now.

This is your chance to express yourself to your Inner Critic.

You can also ask any questions, or make requests for your ongoing communication.

Remember, this is about trying to get the various parts of yourself on the same team, looking out for one another, rather than internal sabotage.

Ideas 💡

  • Ask your inner critic what message they have for you.
  • What do they want you to know?
  • What are they scared of?
  • What are they trying to protect you from?

Do the same with your Inner Healer / Inner Best Friend.

  • If you haven’t named them, consider doing so now.
  • Ask them what message(s) they have for you?
  • Ask them what I need in order to flip the script on my internal dialogue?

Journal about this experience,

  • What did you learn from your Inner Critic?
  • What did you learn from your inner BFF/Healer?
  • How do you want to continue working with these parts of you in the future?

Demi Lovato Says It Best

Lyrics from I Love Me ~

Flipping through all of these magazines

Telling me who I’m supposed to be

Way too good at camouflage

Can’t see what I am

I just see what I’m not

I’m guilty ’bout everything that I eat

(Every single bit)

Feeling myself is a felony

Jedi level sabotage

Voices in my head make up my entourage

‘Cause I’m a black belt when I’m beating up on myself

But I’m an expert at giving love to somebody else

I, me, myself and I

don’t see eye to Eye.

Oh, why do I compare myself to everyone?

And I always got my finger on the self destruct

I wonder when I love me is enough

I wonder when I love me is enough

Why am I always looking for a ride or die?

‘Cause mine’s the only heart I’m gonna have for life

After all the times I went and fucked it up

(All the times I went and fucked it up)

I wonder when I love me is enough

Haters that live on the internet

Live in my head, should be paying rent

I’m way too good at listening

All these comments fucking up my energy

I’m my own worst critic

Talk a whole lot of shit

But I’m a ten out of ten

Even when I forget it

(I’m a ten out of ten, don’t you ever forget it)

Practice With Me

Join me on Insight Timer for free workshops on bringing the various parts of you into harmony.

Join Me For A Free Consult

Click here to get on my calendar so we can explore how working together can help you reach your goals, even if they seem like distant mirages at the moment 🌻

With Love,

Dia Michelle💕

Your Soul Therapist